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Skills For Care

If you are already registered with Total Training, please log in and add your Skills For Care details to your existing profile.

Funded places are limited per organisation and will be checked by Skills for Care

If you are an independent care provider, please type 'INDEPENDENT'

Funded places are limited per organisation and will be checked by Skills for Care

Funded Training: Terms of Booking

By booking on Fully Funded training you accept the following:

  • I understand that the rapid induction programme is only funded on the condition that the learner completes the entire programme before the 30th March 2024. If the learner does not complete the entire programme by this date I agree that I will be charged in full.
  • I understand that funding for refresher training is limited to 400 subjects in total per organisation, this includes any spaces my organisation may have accessed via other learning providers. I agree that I will be charged in full for any spaces that are not funded.
  • Incomplete training or no-shows are not funded and I will be invoiced for them
  • I can cancel or amend your bookings up to 10 minutes prior to the start of training

Funded places are limited per organisation and will be checked by Skills for Care

Personal Details

Passwords must be at least 8 characters and contain at least one upper case letter and one number

Please leave blank if you are self-employed