Banner: Skills for Care - Fully Funded Training
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Terms and Conditions


Total Training Solutions & Consultancy Ltd takes great pride in providing an environment for learners to feel comfortable to discuss and raise any poor practices. The Safeguarding Adults policy is discussed at the beginning of each training course regardless of what subject is being delivered, and learners are encouraged to recap on what their in-house policy says on the reporting of abuse.

When trainers are sufficiently concerned about a learner's disclosure or raised issue, or where they have a reason to believe that a learner is not going to raise an alert themselves despite advice, they themselves can make a referral to either the Safeguarding or DoLS team. The appropriate action will be considered by the trainer dependent on the circumstances. Trainers are not responsible for discussing any of these issues or disclosures with the manager or employer of the setting where the training took place.


All candidates should arrive for registration for training 15 minutes beforehand to ensure that the session starts promptly. If the candidate arrives late; the trainers reserves the right to refuse the candidate for the course if the trainers considers the candidate will receive insufficient knowledge or skills in the time remaining.

In all such cases full charge will be applicable It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that all candidates attend. No allowances are made for 'no shows'.

It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that all candidates who attend are free from any conditions that would affect their capability to take part in practical subjects. A disclaimer to be signed prior to commencement of training to this effect. Their manager will be made aware of any candidates that state they are unable to participate.

If the trainer has reasonable belief that a candidate lacks capacity to safely and adequately carry out activities pertinent to the course, he/she has the right to refuse that candidate's participation in part or all of the course, in order to preserve a positive inclusive learning environment.

All Candidates are required to have adequate literacy skills to enable them to have a positive learning experience from the course, and certificates of attendance will only be issued at the discretion of the trainer if they are satisfied that this condition has been met.

Private scheduled training courses

Bookings over £1000.00 excluding VAT, a 50% advance deposit is required.

In the event of a booking being cancelled by the customer fourteen days or less, before the first day of the course: full charge will be due. Cancellation between the fifteenth and twenty-eighth day before the first day of the course: 50% of the agreed course fee will be charged.

For private scheduled courses; no transfers can be made. Please refer to cancellation terms and rebook as required.

Training scheduled at client's venue:

The training venue needs to be available half an hour before the start time to allow for setting up time for the trainer. It is the customer's responsibility to provide the trainer with an adequate room and facilities. The trainer has the right to refuse to train if these are not to their satisfaction.

For any equipment provided for use by the customer, an in date certificate that complies with relevant laws must be available to the trainer at the time of visit. The trainer reserves the right to refuse to train if this is not available or the equipment is deemed unsafe or inappropriate by the trainer.

The venue is responsible for informing candidates of any refreshment and lunch provisions prior to the session.

For training delivered at a customer's venue, mileage charges are calculated from the distance from Total Training Solutions & Consultancy Ltd in Chesham to the customers venue using the scale below.

  • A - within a 5 mile radius - Free
  • B - within a 10 Mile radius - £10.00 fixed charge
  • C - within a 15 mile radius - £15.00 fixed charge
  • D - Outside of a 15 mile radius - charged at 0.45 pence mile - return journey